Following Goobertown Brent's choice of a model to paint and have fun with, regardless of planning (, I did a mental, rather than a real, dig through the stuff I have and picked these old, old little guys, Games Workshop Tyranid termagants. These are the very first plastic termagants I think, the ones with pins sticking in their bases. I had purchased these, with some of the old plastic genestealers, years ago. They were painted in the classic Tyranid scheme, with the tradiitonal goblin green bases. Here they are, below.
I rebased one which had lost its original base, and picked one as my fun project model. I cleaned off some mould lines, but didn't strip the paint. I drilled the gun barrel - not too deeply, to retain a more organic feel. I added a small amount of sand to the base as he was not fully inserted in the base, and I had to hide the part of his pin sticking out of the base. Matt black spray was next, and here he is, next to one of his kin, ready for a new paint job.

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