Monday 21 July 2014

Longer hiatus

Work does that to one; hiatii, that is. I'm certain this is not the correct plural of hiatus (or am I?), but it should be.
I have been ruminating more than a herd of cows at 2nd lunchtime - I like cows - and it's not healthy at three in the morning. Every other day or more. There are greater wonders or whatever it was that Hamlet said.
On the plus side, I am trying to punish myself with 3-10 sit-ups each time I catch myself ruminating at night (depending on the severity and extent and how much heartburn I generate). If only I would discipline myself sufficiently to apply the punishment, rumination could be healthy. I have a backlog of 15.

I couldn't find a picture of a cow (all pics on the blog are mine, and not weblifted), so here's 'Dinner at London Zoo' instead.