Friday, 27 December 2019

Sunday, 2 June 2019

2019 Marklin locomotives H0 gauge

A nice day in Malta

I will let the photos do the talking. These were taken around the Gnejna Bay area.

Harzer Schmalspur Bahnen holiday

Over the Easter recess at Uni we went for a week in the Harz, based at Wernigerode. We loved the countryside and the trees; and a major contributor to our wandering around was the narrow gauge railway of the post heading.

Just a few pics:

My favourite station, Eisfelder Talmühle: 

Another dampflok:

And one which is not:

A platfork kiosk (an old ticket office?) - on the DB line, not the narrow gauge this time:

The holiday draws to a close...

One last glimpse.